Surviving The Holidays: Family Friendly Holiday Props

Surviving The Holidays: Family Friendly Holiday Props

Coronavirus putting a crimp in your holiday plans? For most of us, there will be fewer parties and less travel. Some of us will spend even more time with the same people we’ve been locked down with since March, while others will have to make do with virtual get-togethers on Zoom.   

Even while you are taking precautions and keeping your family safe, you can still make the holidays feel fun -- and at the same time, repair, revise and rejuvenate your relationships. I’m always a fan of making social occasions fun and easy with games, props, puzzles, karaoke and so on. Especially for 2020, here are two of my favorites:

The Redstone Inkblot Test

Put your phones away and learn how dark and twisted your kids or spouses minds really are with this fun inkblot game based on the Rorschach test. Don’t worry, this is not an actual personality test - it’s a game that lets you look inside your friends and family’s mind. It is hilarious to realize how often your teen sees phallic symbols or gummy bears in the ink splotched cards. The Redstone Inkblot Test is great for shaking up family time together, or suitable for a group Zoom call if the person holding the cards has a good camera and doesn’t mind playing Master of Ceremonies!

Available for purchase HERE.

So Cards

Another good card deck that is very Zoom or phone friendly are So Cards. These cards spark deeper conversations, designed to draw out the reluctant  teen at your dinner table, or your not-very-sociable uncle in Texas with open-ended questions. You’ll find yourself learning something new about the people in your life!

So grab a couple “props” to prop up your holiday gatherings, and shift your perspective throughout this season. I often hear in my practice how being so crazy busy around the holidays gets in the way of being truly present with our loved ones. This might be the breather you have been wanting. Whether our loved ones are near or far, we can use this time to be present for each other and create some new memories.

Available for purchase HERE.

*No, these are not paid endorsements!

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