It’s time to Get Real and GetGoing!

It’s time to Get Real and GetGoing!

I have two great professional passions, the first is helping my patients thrive, and the second is helping therapists build their businesses and become great clinicians!

That’s why I’m excited to announce that a project several years in the making is finally ready to make its debut! My book, GetReal, GetGoing: The Definitive Roadmap to Starting the Private Practice of your Dreams, had its beginnings back when my co-author and I were both working at a publicly-funded children’s mental health agency after graduation. We bonded over our stressful jobs on the frontlines of mental health care but our friendship solidified when we realized that we both shared the same dream of someday opening our own psychology practices… and that we both had the same burning question:  How in the world do we get there? Grad school had trained us to serve clients, no one had taught us how to become business owners! 

And -- a thorough examination of many bookstores revealed -- there was no single book to guide us down the path, starting at square one! General business books didn’t account for the constraints of professional licenses, and practice development books tended to begin further along the professional track. 

So one day, while kvetching over a glass of wine, my co-author and I vowed to write the guidebook we had been searching for. We envisioned something like  a wedding planner or a “girlfriend’s guide,” that could save every aspiring therapist from having to reinvent the wheel.

We researched insurance reimbursement policies and marketing strategies; took colleagues to coffee and asked to hear their experiences, and any tips and shortcuts they might have; we kept track of our timelines, goals, checklists and questions. All these (combined with a few hundred hours of writing and editing!)  became GetReal GetGoing.

I know from experience that the challenges are real. The book also contains some anecdotes and warnings to help readers avoid some of the biggest pitfalls. During my own journey to private practice, I was lucky to find fellow travelers, personal mentors, and cheerleaders and now I’m thrilled to be those things for readers of this book!

So if you’re an emerging therapist, wanting to accelerate your success in private practice, right out of the gate, then I welcome you to join me, as we Get Real, and Get Going!

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Work It, Girl

Work It, Girl

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