How to Celebrate Winter Solstice -- and More!

How to Celebrate Winter Solstice -- and More!

Today, December 21st, marks the Winter Solstice, the Sun in Capricorn, the first quarter moon, a rare conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, and the Ursids meteor shower. All on the longest night of the year! I’m no expert, but my “astrologically-inclined” friends tell me that this next astrological stage (Age of Aquarius) is going to be more about collaboration and community than about competition, a time when intentions meet manifestation -- and a time to trust that the universe has our back!  

Today is the darkest day before the dawn, take a moment to appreciate the lessons you’ve learned through the challenges of this year. As you contemplate the possibilities for the future, here are some ideas for how you might mark the Winter Solstice.

Enjoy the Day: Even though the sun has less time on stage than any other day of the year, it’s still on the job, rising in the sky to light our way. Make it a point to go outside sometime today while it’s still light, and have gratitude for the sun’s consistency and reliability. Whatever else is going on in the world, we can depend on it to do its job every day. Likewise, think about how you are going to let your light shine in the next season of your life. 

Let that Sh*t Go: Light a candle or some kind of fire and take some time to reflect on what, from the past year -- or longer -- you would like to release. Grudges, regrets, people or thoughts that hold you back. Write them down on slips of paper -- and then set them alight, watching them go up in smoke, while you, psychologically and intentionally, feel lighter than ever!

Take Time to Reflect, Rekindle and and Renew: Take a warm bath with candles, write in a journal, talk to an old friend or write a letter. Make a list of people and things you are grateful for, your hopes for in the future, or changes you’d like to make. Go to bed early so that you can wake joyfully to the new cycle of longer days and more light!

Enjoy the Night: The Danish have a term called hygge, which we are told has no perfect translation, but is described as “a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” Put on your fuzzy socks, have a hot cup of tea or cocoa, wrap yourself up in a soft blanket and read a book by a fire or lamplight. In other words, rest and relax -- that’s what the night was made for, and you have the advantage of extra night.

For my own part, I’m planning to enter 2021 with a more positive mindset and expectations because research shows that our intentions shape our psyche -- and I’m guessing that we are all ready for more levity and joy in 2021 after a rough 2020. Have a good Winter Solstice and a Happy New Year!

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