GetReal, GetGOING: Take a break!

GetReal, GetGOING: Take a break!

Breaks are important.

I’m going to say it again: Breaks are important. They’re just as important as work. Students, with their frequent transitions between classes and work sites, effortlessly find themselves taking walks, having a midday change of scene, and enjoying easy access to decent food. Professional clinicians, by contrast, can have a tight schedule with access to no more than a vending machine - if they’re lucky. 

Do whatever you can carve some time out of your clinical schedule to refuel your body and your mind. Here are a few ways you can take advantage of your mid-day break:

  • Enjoy a leisurely lunch at a restaurant. Sometimes you just want to sit at a table and have someone to bring you delicious food without having to worry about doing the dishes.

  • Fit in a workout. Although this may seem counterintuitive, a workout can kickstart your endorphins and help you coast into the afternoon feeling refreshed and revitalized!

  • Go outside! Pack yourself a lunch and take it to a nearby park. Studies show that increases in vitamin D levels improve concentration and boost well-being.

  • Schedule a lunch date with a friend. You’re always saying you should get together more, why not during the week? A fun lunch filled with laughter can really be a cure all.

  • Take time to play! Doing something mindless and silly is a great way to reset your energy levels.

  • Pamper yourself. Scheduling your haircuts, manicures and massages in the middle of the work day can be a great way to disconnect from grueling morning sessions and (bonus!) you’ll return to work looking great!

Most importantly, don’t forget to take the time to actually eat something! No matter how tempting it is to work through lunch, I urge you to resist. For mental health clinicians, those late afternoon hours can be the most demanding. To build the stellar reputation that will propel you to private practice success, prepare to be your best all the way through to that last therapy hour.

For more pro-tips be sure to check out my book, GetReal, GetGOING: The Definitive Roadmap to Starting the Private Practice of Your Dreams!

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