All in Get Real Get Going

Debt: Suze Orman understands, even if your parents don’t!

Once upon a time there was a young graduate student named Dr. Amy who was struggling with money. She found herself up to her eyeballs in debt from school, working for peanuts while getting her training hours for licensure, and all the while trying to figure out how to pay the rent on her crappy little apartment. Then one day little Dr. Amy discovered a very smart lady name Suze Orman and the rest is history….

acknowledges that there are times you have to beg, borrow and max out a credit card to get yourself on a professional track, and that it can be okay to invest in yourself and your career.

Think Big, Get Big Results

It’s time to THINK BIG, have a vision for something that is beyond what you have done before and that likely entails more than a few moving parts. Big-thought-projects tend not to happen in a day, they take longer, which means they demand not just inspiration and motivation, but the stamina to hang on. In this blog, Dr. Amy gives you the resources you need to hang on and achieve your big dreams.

It’s time to Get Real and GetGoing!

My book, Get Real, Get Going: The Definitive Roadmap to Starting the Private Practice of your Dreams, is due out in a few weeks and I’m so excited! Whether you are just out of grad school, or have years of experience as a licensed clinician, help is on the way. The step-by-step plans, action items, and practical wisdom in Get Real, Get Going will help psychotherapists and other healing professionals build a thriving private practice in no time.