Better Habits in 2022

Better Habits in 2022

Happy New Year!

When we talk about “resolutions,” like lose ten pounds, start a podcast  or get a promotion at work, what we’re really talking about are goals that require us to acquire a new habit, like exercising, packing a healthy lunch instead of eating out, or communicating more frequently with a supervisor. 


There are lots of ways to support creating new habits: Here’s a list of 10 tips for building good habits and making them stick. This article on building good habits lists seven tips. But, because I’m trying to simplify my life at the moment, I was attracted to this article that lists Three Simple Things You Can Do Right Now to Build Better Habits.

The article, written by James Clear who also wrote the book Atomic Habits, is a quick and worthwhile read in its entirety, but here’s a quick summary: 

  1. Start with a habit that is so easy you can’t say no. The author talks about the importance of consistency. If you want to start exercising, you can start with one minute each morning. If you want to start writing, you can write three sentences a day.  This is because it’s not the intensity or quantity that matters in the beginning —you can adjust them later. The first, important step is establishing a routine and proving to yourself you can stick to it!

  2. Take time to understand what’s really holding you back. The article uses the example of a woman who “didn’t like to exercise.” But when she took some time to really think about why, she realized that what she disliked wasn’t the exercise, but many of the aspects around it: She didn’t like driving to the gym, changing clothes, working out in public. Understanding the specifics of what was holding her back, she was able to look for a solution that addressed these underlying issues. It turned out that yoga videos at home were perfect to get her started in the right direction. (I, of course, would be the opposite!  My exercise bike at home will never match the high of Soul Cycle with a group of people!) 

  3. Develop a plan for when you fail. I really like this one. If we assume that once we start a habit we should never slip up, the moment we do slip and smoke that cigarette or eat that pint of ice-cream, it’s easy to feel disheartened and quit. Instead, Clear says, we should plan ahead not to judge ourselves too harshly, when things fall through the cracks. If you forgot to meditate today, just remember tomorrow. He suggests the motto “Never miss twice,” and notes that top performers are those who are able to pick themselves up and try again.

In 2022, I’m planning continue to expand on the therapy mentorship side of my business.  Doing this will definitely require new habits on my part, and these three simple principles will help! 

What habits would be good for you to create?

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